
Archive for May, 2017

Being in Manchester

The fact is I had never heard of Ariana Granda …..till now that is…… or her fans, the targets of a terrorist, just for being girls dressed up to go out singing and dancing to music they loved. The sudden heatwave was a good excuse to sit & ponder and read the Guardian from cover to cover. Last Thursday there was an article by Lucy Easthope, a senior lecturer specialising in disaster response (the speeches people make). Well I didn’t like the ‘disaster response’ message of every politician and public figure in Manchester on Tuesday morning. It was too early to spout the ‘we are strong, we will survive’ message. We were not strong that morning and a pause to be angry and shocked would have been better. Lucy Easthope has the grace to admit publicly that her message of 11 years is wrong.

Judy Chicago has found a ‘hole’ in Liverpool, a derelict drain silo on the Stanley Dock. I always smile when I remember our introduction to her art in the Ben Uri gallery on one of our London trips. It’s a fabulous name Judy Chicago, but her art was not to everyone’s taste, many fled at the first sight, some paused before fleeing and just a few stayed to try and absorb her raw stark angry messages.

Jeremy Deller makes me smile even more. I remember our first encounter with this slight young figure who took to the stage for a Tuesday Talk in the old lecture theatre. His first words “I’m not really an artist, I can’t paint or make things”. But he was already a Turner Prize winner by then and he just talked about how creating events were his way of expressing himself. His pavilion at the Venice Biennale was extraordinary and most recently the WW1 memorial of all the soldiers killed in the Battle of the Somme. Like all fans everywhere when I met him again at a small event in Miss Selfridge’s I asked him for his autograph.

Judy Chicago & Jeremy Deller will be helping Liverpool to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Sgt Pepper till 16th June

“we’re here because we’re here” Battle of the Somme commemoration.

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Feeling smug!

Can I still remember how to use the Blog? New Chairman is very keen on social media – must have another go…..

Since my first attempt in 2012 and the last entry in 2015 our world has changed beyond recognition, both at home in WAG, nationally and on the world stage. Philosophy is not my strongest  point so I will desist from now on.

Unfortunately I’m probably not going to get to beloved Venice this year, and I think I might like Phyllida Barlow in the British Pavilion. I have read all the reports in yesterday’s Guardian and I always believe everything that Charlotte Higgins writes. Phyllida belongs to the grey haired generation but may be in denial about it. Descended from Charles Darwin and married to Fabian Peake, son of Mervyn of Gormenghast fame, with devoted followers such as Frances Morris (Pilk 2017) and Richard Wentworth (Pilk 2009) she has a fabulous back story too.

Promoted by Hauser and Wirth, collectors of contemporary art and owners of art galleries in London, Zurich and New York and one on their farm in Somerset (FOW Tour 2017).

Compensation to be found in Hull with Lubaina Hamid of Zanzibar and Preston and now one of the Turner Prize nominees. Age no barrier now we could all chosen!






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